Hey there, and welcome to Casa de Garcia (House of Garcia)! This is our lifestyle blog where I share bits and pieces of life with my husband Kevin Garcia. Here you'll find ramblings about life, food, style, travel, and other things we love. Check out our Life, Food, and Adventures tabs above. Thanks for stopping by! 


Kevin is my amazing husband. He's the kindest human being you'll ever know. He's the love of my life and better half.  He was born in Los Angeles and lived in San Fernando or the infamous "Valley" before moving here ten years ago. He studied criminal justice at Utah Valley University and graduated with honors in 2013.

I was also born in California but have been living in Utah since I was four years old. I also went to Utah Valley University and just got my bachelor's in marketing and minor in business management in December. I'll be walking in two weeks. I'm currently a marketing specialist at Foxtail Marketing.

Kevin and I met on a blind date on August 19, 2011. Our mutual friends set us up and we almost chickened out hours before. Now we're here four years later, married, and life couldn't be better!


We would love to hear from you! Send us an email at contact@casadegarcia.co or check out our contact page