Saturday, June 15, 2013


My dogs are eight this month! You can tell they've aged. Capone's black snout is almost white. Elliot might be the exception I guess. He's a little chubby, but aside from that he looks pretty good.

We first got them when they were two months old. They were the last two from a litter of five and they're actually Mexican! We first took Elliot home, but really didn't know what to do with him. He spent the night by himself in a cardboard box, crying all night. The next day the owners told us Capone was crying too. I can't even remember how, but we ended up with them both. Since then they've grown so much and have been a part of so many memories. 

They have run away countless times, luckily they've come back everytime. They have been run over, scared by cats, eaten chocolate (luckily not a lot), and so much more. They're absolutely afraid of water, love to lay in dirty laundry and sunbathe.

Elliot is always mistaken as a girl. Elliot is sweet, timid and patient. This is not the case at all if there's a dog present, if there's sirens or the ice cream truck is nearby. Al Capone has always been more shy and grumpy. He'll bite if he's angry which doesn't take much. I know I have plenty of scars to prove it. He loves runnining in the snow and playing on the tramp. The two are inseparable thet even fight at times but I don't think they would want it any other way. 

I couldn't find a picture of them as puppies, but here are two from last night. 



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