Friday, April 26, 2013


Friday was an amazing day! Kevin graduated!! The ceremony began at 8:30 in the morning, tons of family flew in and was there to share this great moment with him. I almost wanted to cry, but then I remembered it was Kevin special day, and if he wasn't crying then I didn't have any reason to. Criminal justice majors were included with emergency services, and aviation. It was held at the Provo  Airport hanger. Lucky for Kevin it was five minutes away.The ceremony was nice and short, not like our three hour  when we graduated from high school.

After a last minute reservation we headed to Sizzler. I believe the grand total was 23, and we had who knows how many tables put together. After lunch everyone headed to Kevin's house to open his presents. We all sat around as he pulled an envelope from his little stack. There were no actual gifts to unwrap, but it was the great gift of cash. Card after card we joked about getting a cut of his dough.

All in all it was a great way to spend a Friday! Celebrating with family, friends on such a great occasion was much needed. All the handwork, going to school full-time, working full-time, and still earning a bachelors at 21 and with honors! He's such a great example for me and we're all so proud!

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